
Hassan Noura is an independent strategic advisor who believes that it is important to use our strengths in order to make a meaningful difference.
Hassan is passionate about building inclusive economies and social systems that empower everyday people to live their best lives.
He is dedicated to achieving positive social impact and approaches his work with enthusiasm, compassion, integrity, curiosity, critical thinking, and a witty sense of humour.
Hassan has over 20 years of global experience advising government ministers, senior public service executives and CEOs, which has included a diverse range of clients in Australia, South East Asia and the Middle East.
Integrating his experience across management consulting, public policy and service delivery, Hassan offers unique insights and provides strategic advice that supports organisations to achieve breakthrough impact.
Associate Partner at McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm.
General Manager of Strategy & Priorities at the Australian National Disability Insurance Agency, which supports a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability.
Public Finance Economist at the World Bank, an intergovernmental organization dedicated to creating a world without poverty.
Macroeconomist at the Australian Department of the Treasury, a central policy agency that provides government with advice from a whole-of-economy perspective.

Hassan holds a Bachelor of Economics with Honours from the University of Melbourne in Australia and a Master in Economics & Public Policy from Princeton University in the United States.
Hassan is a native English speaker with conversational skills in Arabic and Bahasa Indonesian.
Cambodia Second-Generation Systematic Country Diagnostic Update, World Bank, 2024.
Raising the grade: How schools in the Australian Capital Territory can lift literacy outcomes for students and the economy, Equity Economics, 2023.
Australia’s automation opportunity: Reigniting productivity and inclusive income growth, McKinsey & Company, 2019
Moving Saudi Arabia’s economy beyond oil, McKinsey Global Institute, 2015
Protecting Poor and Vulnerable Households in Indonesia, World Bank, 2012
Australia’s automation opportunity, Speech and Panel Discussion, Council for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), 2019
OPINION: Six reforms to repair the NDIS,Australian Financial Review, April 2023.
OPINION: What it’s going to take to fix the NDIS, Australian Financial Review, April 2023.
OPINION: The NDIS Vs Mainstream Services, June 2022
OPINION: Awkward NDIS Questions Need Answers, April 2022
VIDEO: National Disability Summit, Scheme Sustainability and the Future of the NDIS, August 2022
OPINION: National Disability Summit, Overview of NDIS Cost and Sustainability Issues , August 2022

Hassan’s approach to building inclusive economies and social systems is centered around understanding everyday people.
We leverage insights from contemporary research about what motivates people and enables them to live full, vibrant and meaningful lives.
We leverage insights from contemporary research about what enables people to reach their full potential. This includes their wellbeing, aspirations and skills.